SetsApp is a Cytoscape 3 app allowing the user to create and manipulate sets of nodes or edges (but not sets with both nodes and edges, at least in the current version) in Cytoscape. Sets can be created for different networks.
Here are some features for SetsApp:
* Sets can be created from selections. SetsApp is great for saving selections and re-selecting a saved selection.
* Sets can also be based on nodes or edges whose discrete columns (strings, integers, lists of strings or integers). This makes SetsApp ideal for grouping a network based on a discrete column's values.
* After you've created some sets, you can create new sets using standard set operations: union, intersection, and difference.
* SetsApp provides two additional layout algorithms: grid and force directed. These layout algorithms take set membership into consideration and try to put nodes in the same set together in the layout.
* Node sets can be partitioned so that a node belongs to one and only one node set.
* You can create groups from node sets