## *Core App*: enhancedGraphics
### Note: This app is pre-installed in Cytoscape 3.10 or later
**_You should not download this app_ from the store yourself. If Cytoscape detects that a new version is available in the App Store, it will notify you as it's starting and will give you a chance to download it directly.**
**_You should not download this app_ if your Cytoscape is earlier than 3.10. An earlier version of this app is pre-installed in your Cytoscape, and this app cannot replace it.**
Adding a chart to a node is simple:
1. Create a new text column in the node table
2. Add the chart instructions (see below for samples)
3. Set up a visual style that uses the column you created as a passthrough mapping for one of the CustomGraphics styles.
Some example chart instructions:
* Gradients:
* radgrad: center="0.5,0.5" radius="1.0" stoplist="0,0,255,255,0|255,255,255,255,.5|255,0,0,255,1"
* lingrad: start="0,0" end="1,0" stoplist="255,0,0,255,0|0,0,255,255,1"
* Basic charts:
* linechart: colorlist="up:blue,down:red" attributelist="Values"
* piechart: attributelist="Values" colorlist="contrasting" labellist="First,Second,Third,Fourth,Fifth"
* piechart: attributelist="a,b,c,d" colorlist="red,green,blue,yellow"
* barchart: attributelist="a,b,c,d" colorlist="up:yellow,down:green"
* stripechart: colorlist="red,white,blue"
* heatstripchart: separation="1" valuelist=".2,-1,3,1" labellist="cond1,cond2,cond3,cond4"
* Circos charts:
* circoschart: firstarc=.5 arcwidth=.4 colorlist="red, green, blue, white" showlabels=false attributelist="Circle1,Circle2"
* circoschart: arcstart=90 firstarc=.5 arcwidth=.3 range="-5,5" colorlist="up:yellow,down:blue,zero:black" valuelist="1,1,1,1" showlabels=false attributelist="Circle1,Circle2"
* "Label" charts:
* label: attribute=name labelsize=10 outline=true background=true color=white dropShadow=true
Note that values can either be provided through a **valuelist** or through an **attributelist**. Colors can be by keyword or by providing a color for values above zero, at zero, or below zero. More documentation is being prepared and the development of a user interface to create these columns is underway.