All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Class Description AbstractArrayContainer A Basis class for container usingArrayNodeData
.AbstractArrayContainerLayout TheAbstractArrayContainerLayout
provides basic features for anyAbstractArrayContainerLayout
, such as shape placements etc.AbstractArrayDataSetProperties Basic properties for aArrayDataSet
.ArrayDataDescription ItemDataDescription is a Panel, that manages the description ofArrayNodeData
using the labels for these items.ArrayDataSet An Abstract basis class for item based datasets.ArrayNodeData NodeData that can be used for anyArrayDataSet
BasicIDARECell Basic implementation of a Simple Cell for aBasicIDAREWorkbook
.BasicIDARERow A simple implementation of anIDARERow
BasicIDARESheet This is a basic implementation of aIDARESheet
for convenience.BasicIDAREWorkbook A simple implementation of anIDAREWorkbook
BoundsPopupMenuListener This class will change the bounds of the JComboBox popup menu to support different functionality.BufferedImageTranscoder Credits: Obtained from Contains some useful methods to manipulate 'COBRA SBML'ColorMap ColorScale AColorScale
s based on its properties for values between 0 and 1.ColorScaleFactory TheColorScaleFactory
can either generate individualColorScale
s or sets ofColorScale
s which possess specific properties.ColorScalePane A Colorscale pane is a graphical representation of aColorScale
, that can be added to Swing Components.ColorScalePopupAdjuster A PopupAdjuster for ColorScales, that updates the size of the colorscale being displayed, when selecting colors.ColorUtils Color Utils provide some static convenience functions for ColorsContainerLayout Classes implementing this interface need to be able to generate a layout when provided with an area to generate the layoutContainerUnplaceableExcpetion Exception indicating, that there was at least one unplaceable container in a given layout.ContinousColorMap An Abstract class representing general continuous color maps and providing some functionality for such maps.ContinousZeroBalancedMap CytoscapeUtils DataContainer ADataContainer
is a class that is able to provide a specific ContainerLayout for a node.DataSet ADataSet
is a storage for data.DataSetLayoutProperties DataSetLayoutProperties
allow the use of a specific class ofDataSet
s for multiple different layouts.DelayedVizProp DelayedVizProp, as suggested in the Cytoscape cookbook.DimensionMismatchException Exception indicating, that a Container was too larger and could not be placed.DiscreteColorMap A Colormap that can provide colors for a discrete number of values (i.e.DiscreteColorScalePane A Discrete color scale pane The difference to a normal colorscalepane is, that this pane will plot with discrete colors and will not use a linear gradient to walk between the colors.DuplicateIDException Exception indicating that there was a duplicate ID.EOOMarker Helper Class for Serializable Input/OUTPUT Streams to mark the end of objects.GUIUtils Class proviing static utilitits for multiple GUI classes.IDARECell A general class of cells in a Workbook used for IDARE.IDARECell.CellType Different Types of Cells that can be available.IDARECellIterator This class provides a simple Iterator that can be used for all types of Workbooks that implement the IDARE interfaces Since it is likely necessary to provide this, it is directly supplied here.IDAREDatasetReader AIDAREDatasetReader
must be able to read a Datafile into aIDAREImageNodeAppService TheIDAREImageNodeAppService
is the interaction point for plugins that want to provide additional features for the IDARE image generation tool.IDARENodeManager IDAREPlugin IDAREProperties Class containing all static Fields for the IDARE Columns.IDAREProperties.EdgeType IDAREProperties.NodeType IDAREReaderSetupTask An Abstract Basis Class that defines a Task that is necessary to set up a reader for dataset parsing.IDARERow AnIDARERow
is a row in a data sheet.IDARERowIterator This class provides a simple Iterator that can be used for all types of Workbooks that implement the IDARE interfaces Since it is likely necessary to provide this, it is directly supplied here.IDARESettingsManager Class to keep track of IDARE IDs and complain (throw exceptions) if duplicate IDs are found.IDARESheet AnIDARESheet
is a sheet containing multiple rows (i.e.IDAREWorkbook AnIDAREWorkbook
contains one or multiple sets of data in individualIDARESheet
sIMAGENODEPROPERTIES Class that stores the Static properties used by imagenodeS.IMAGENODEPROPERTIES.LayoutStyle IOUtils A few useful IO FunctionsJSVGGlassCanvas LabelGenerator A Class to produce continuous labels in an alphanumeric fashion.LayoutUtils Class that provides several utility function to handle SVG Objects (like DOM initialization etc ppLegendLabel Class that represents a LegendLabel, which can be drawn in a specific graphics context.LegendSizeListener Localisation A Class encapsulating the Localisation information (i.e.Localisation.Position MouseDraggingListener<T extends JComponent> MouseResizerListener<T extends JComponent> MultiArrayContainer A Container for aMultiArrayDataSet
MultiArrayContainerLayout Abstract class providing some functionalities for Layouts of Value SetsMultiArrayDataProperties A basic class for allMultiArrayDataProperties
MultiArrayDataSet Class to provide a basic setting for MultiArray Datasets.MultiArrayDataValue ANodeValue
The Value of aNodeValue
is always the String representing the Sheet it is contained in.MultiArrayDescription Abstract class that provides an entry to building basic Descriptions in a Legend for given shapes.MultiArrayEntryDescriptionPane Abstract description of an Entry (i.e.MultiArrayEntryPanel A SetEntryPanel is a simple abstract representation of a marker or shape along with the color of a specific entry.MultiArrayNodeData NodeData A Data Entry will always only have numbers stored in it as it is used for data representation on color scales or in graphs.NodeValue A NodeValue represents the Value at a specific node.NodeValueType Enumerator for different types ofNodeValue
s.SizeAdaptableComponent This interface defines classes which allow to adjust their height when a given width is set.StringUtils TextPaneEditorKit Source obtained from A Listener that adapts a JTextPane according to the Scrollpane enclosing the pane.TooManyItemsException Exception indicating that a container was too large and could not be placed.WrongDatasetTypeException WrongFormat Exception indicating that there was an error in the format of the file used.