Class BasicIDAREWorkbook

    • Constructor Detail

      • BasicIDAREWorkbook

        public BasicIDAREWorkbook()
    • Method Detail

      • getNumberOfSheets

        public int getNumberOfSheets()
        Description copied from interface: IDAREWorkbook
        Get the number of individual data sheets present in this workbook
        Specified by:
        getNumberOfSheets in interface IDAREWorkbook
        the number of non null sheets in this Workbook
      • getSheet

        public IDARESheet getSheet​(String arg0)
        Description copied from interface: IDAREWorkbook
        Get the sheet with the specified name
        Specified by:
        getSheet in interface IDAREWorkbook
        arg0 - the name of the requested sheet
        the requested IDARESheet, or null if it does not exist.
      • getSheetAt

        public IDARESheet getSheetAt​(int arg0)
        Description copied from interface: IDAREWorkbook
        Get the Sheet at the requested position, or null if it does not exist-
        Specified by:
        getSheetAt in interface IDAREWorkbook
        arg0 - the 0-based position of the Sheet.
        the sheet at the requested position
      • getSheetIndex

        public int getSheetIndex​(String arg0)
        Description copied from interface: IDAREWorkbook
        Get the 0-based index of a sheet with the provided name
        Specified by:
        getSheetIndex in interface IDAREWorkbook
        arg0 - the name of the IDARESheet
        the index of the Sheet with the requested name, no two sheets are allowed to have the same name.
      • getSheetIndex

        public int getSheetIndex​(IDARESheet arg0)
        Description copied from interface: IDAREWorkbook
        Get the index of the provided IDARESheet.
        Specified by:
        getSheetIndex in interface IDAREWorkbook
        arg0 - the Sheet for which to obtain the index.
        the index of the provided sheet.
      • getSheetName

        public String getSheetName​(int arg0)
        Description copied from interface: IDAREWorkbook
        Get the name of the sheet at the provided position
        Specified by:
        getSheetName in interface IDAREWorkbook
        arg0 - the position of the sheet for which to obtain the name
        the name of the IDARESheet, or null if the position does not contain a sheet.
      • createSheet

        public BasicIDARESheet createSheet​(String sheetname)
        Create a new Sheet in this Workbook. If the sheetname already exists it wont be generated but the existing sheet will be returned.
        sheetname - The name of the sheet.
        The generated BasicIDARESheet or an existing Sheet if the name already exists.