Class IOUtils

  • public class IOUtils
    extends Object
    A few useful IO Functions
    Thomas Pfau
    • Constructor Detail

      • IOUtils

        public IOUtils()
    • Method Detail

      • getTemporaryFile

        public static File getTemporaryFile​(String FileName,
                                            String Extension)
        Get a Temporary file with a given Filename and a given Extension. IF the file already exists, suffixes will be added.
        FileName - - Filename of the Temporary file
        Extension - - File extension of the temporary file.
        The Temporary File Object.
      • createTemporaryFolder

        public static void createTemporaryFolder()
                                          throws IOException
        Create the Temporary folder (if it does not exist).
        IOException - if no temporary folder could be created.
      • clearTemporaryFolder

        public static void clearTemporaryFolder()
                                         throws IOException
        Clear the Temporary folder.
        IOException - if the temporary folder could not be deleted.