Class BasicIDARESheet

    • Constructor Detail

      • BasicIDARESheet

        public BasicIDARESheet​(String sheetname)
        Default constructor using the name of the sheet.
        sheetname - the name of this sheet.
    • Method Detail

      • getLastRowNum

        public int getLastRowNum()
        Description copied from interface: IDARESheet
        Get the index of the last Row
        Specified by:
        getLastRowNum in interface IDARESheet
        the index of the last non null Row in this Sheet
      • getPhysicalNumberOfRows

        public int getPhysicalNumberOfRows()
        Description copied from interface: IDARESheet
        Get the total number of non null rows in this Sheet.
        Specified by:
        getPhysicalNumberOfRows in interface IDARESheet
        the number of non null rows in this sheet
      • getRow

        public IDARERow getRow​(int arg0)
        Description copied from interface: IDARESheet
        Get the Row with the provided row index
        Specified by:
        getRow in interface IDARESheet
        arg0 - the index for which a IDARERow is requested
        the requested Row or null, if it does not exist.
      • getSheetName

        public String getSheetName()
        Description copied from interface: IDARESheet
        Get the Name of this Sheet.
        Specified by:
        getSheetName in interface IDARESheet
        the name of this sheet.
      • rowIterator

        public Iterator<IDARERow> rowIterator()
        Description copied from interface: IDARESheet
        Get an Iterator over all rows in this Sheet.
        Specified by:
        rowIterator in interface IDARESheet
        The iterator iterating over all Rows in this sheet.
      • createRow

        public BasicIDARERow createRow()
        Create a row at the end of this sheet
        the created Row.
      • getRowIndex

        public int getRowIndex​(BasicIDARERow row)
        Get the index of a given Row
        row - The BasicIDARERow to get the index for.
        the index of the given row.