This plugin provides access to data managed in external databases and servers, including SQL databases, SPARQL databases, NoSQL databases, and Apache Spark (Hadoop) via the VitalService API.
The plugin requires the Vital AI Development Kit (VDK) to be locally installed. The VDK can be downloaded from the Vital AI website:
The VitalService configuration file specifies the endpoints that are available.
One available endpoint is the Vital Prime server, which enables scripts to be run on the server. These scripts are available on the "DataScripts" tab in the plugin.
Datascripts can be used to trigger data analysis, such as an Apache Spark Job, which can then be visualized with Cytoscape.
The screenshots of the plugin show queries of the Wordnet dataset.
Wordnet is described here: .
In the screenshots, the "name" property is searched for the term "mouse", the matching results are added to a new Cytoscape network, all nodes are selected and "expanded" to find additional nodes that are 1 or 2 distance from the selected "mouse" nodes, and then the results of this expansion are displayed.
Additional screenshots show the node and edge hierarchies to use for the "expansion" and the DataScripts tabs.
The Node and Edge types are defined using an ontology, which is managed by the Vital AI software.
More information about Vital AI is available from:
Version 0.2.304
License Click here
Released 17 Dec 2021
Works with Cytoscape 3.0
Download Stats Click here
cytoscapenot running