This App is part of the EnrichmentMap Collection.
The EnrichmentMap Cytoscape App allows you to visualize the results of gene-set enrichment as a network. It will operate on any generic enrichment results as well as specifically on Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA) results. Nodes represent gene-sets and edges represent mutual overlap; in this way, highly redundant gene-sets are grouped together as clusters, dramatically improving the capability to navigate and interpret enrichment results.
Gene-set enrichment is a data analysis technique taking as input:
and generating as output the list of enriched gene-sets, i.e. best sets that summarizing the gene-list. It is common to refer to gene-set enrichment as functional enrichment because functional categories (e.g. Gene Ontology) are commonly used as gene-sets.
Works with Cytoscape 3.7
Release Notes
Works with Cytoscape 3.7
Release Notes
Works with Cytoscape 3.7
Release Notes
Works with Cytoscape 3.7
Release Notes
Works with Cytoscape 3.7
Release Notes
Works with Cytoscape 3.7
Release Notes
Works with Cytoscape 3.7
Release Notes
Works with Cytoscape 3.7
Release Notes
New in EnrichmentMap 3.3:
Works with Cytoscape 3.7
Release Notes
Minor features and bug fixes.
Works with Cytoscape 3.7
Release Notes
Works with Cytoscape 3.5
Apps that depend on this release
Release Notes
Works with Cytoscape 3.4
Release Notes
EnrichmentMap 3.0 is a major release, with the following new features:
Works with Cytoscape 3.3
Apps that depend on this release
Release Notes
Bug fix release
Works with Cytoscape 3.3
Release Notes
Bug Fixes
Works with Cytoscape 3.2
Apps that depend on this release
Release Notes
Bug fixes:
Works with Cytoscape 3.1
Release Notes
Bug Fixes
* Fixed issue with building a two dataset network using edb or rpt because a missing reference to gmt file.
* Fixed rank file load through heatmap panel
* Added error message to say that PDF export is currently not available
* Fixed issue creating heatmap with hiearchical clusters for some datatypes
* Enabled input panel to be reopened after closed by the user.
Fixed issue with GREAT file import(if a line was missing genes it would truncate the load and only load results prior to the line with missing genes)
* GREAT export loads from TSV file instead of a TXT version of the TSV file downloaded.
* Enable GMT only EM creation
* Fixed issue with EM created from all genesets if nothing passed the thresholds
* Enabled EM creation from Bingo 3.0 output files.
* P-value and Q-value can be set using precision of 10-12 or using scientific notation (no limit with scientific notation).
* Added the ability to specify which p-value you want to filter by (hyper, binom, both or either) for GREAT results.
* Enabled slliders to work with precision higher than 10-3. Now works for whatever the cutoff is with an additional range of precision 10-3 less than the cutoff value.