**TETRAMER** provides a user-friendly framework for the **reconstruction of cell fate transition-specific gene regulatory networks (GRNs)** by integrating user-provided temporal transcriptomes with generic GRNs derived from *(i)* the analysis of multiple publicly available gene expression profiles associated to several mouse or human cell type/tissues (CellNet; http://cellnet.hms.harvard.edu/); *(ii)* the genome-wide mapping of human promoters and enhancers in multiple cell type/tissues from CAGE data generated by the FANTOM5 consortium (regulatory circuits http://regulatorycircuits.org/); as well as *(iii)* the systematic analysis of most publicly available ChIP-sequencing data corresponding to TF-binding in a variety of human or mouse cell type/tissues: http://ngs-qc.org/.
Furthermore, **TETRAMER provides an iterative approach for interrogating the capacity of each TF**, retrieved on the GRN, **to drive cell fate transformation**. For it the temporal transcriptional regulation cascade derived from each TF is scrutinized as a way to verify its influence on the reconstitution of the differential gene expression patterns associated to the cell fate transformation.