CytoGEDEVO is a tool for visual and human-assisted network alignment. It aligns pairs of networks, where the result is a one-to-one node mapping.
Alignments are fully resumable, i.e. parameters can be adjusted anytime and the alignment resumed with the new parameters. Expert knowledge can be incorporated by the user by fixating node pairs.
CytoGEDEVO is not limited to network topology and can make use of an unlimited number of externally supplied scores, without imposing restrictions on the score type (that means you can just throw BLAST E-values or Bit-scores or whatever at it and it will work).
Also allows importing result files generated by other aligners.
Command-line versions are available on our website.
Note: CytoGEDEVO runs on Windows, Linux, and Mac OSX; both x86 and x64. If you need support for other operating systems or architectures, ask.
If you encounter any issues or bugs, please report them on our bug tracker.
Citation: Malek M, Ibragimov R, Albrecht M, Baumbach J (2015) CytoGEDEVO - Global alignment of biological networks with Cytoscape. Bioinformatics. 2015 (in press). [link]
Works with Cytoscape 3.0
Release Notes
Bug tracker opened: -- Please report issues there!
Works with Cytoscape 3.0
Release Notes
Works with Cytoscape 3.0
Release Notes
Works with Cytoscape 3.0
Release Notes
fixed failure to load data matrix file under some circumstances if numbers were scientific notation formatted. Affects at least windows x64. Linux (both archs) and windows x86 seemed to work fine. Not sure about OSX.
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Released 19 Oct 2015
Works with Cytoscape 3.0
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