#Adj Exporter
Adj Exporter is a Cytoscape app for exporting a Cytoscape network as an adjacency matrix.
Thanks [karthikeyan BS for requesting this app feature](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/cytoscape-discuss/adjacency$20matrix/cytoscape-discuss/iUfaZ89OCwQ/uxjDrs1UuB8J)
##**Want to visualize large data matrices exported from Cytoscape through this app ?**##
- Install this adj exporter app.
- Export the Cytoscape network with **node names**.
- Use the exported file in the above step to import into [TreeView 3 software](http://goo.gl/MC4Cpe).
## App Installation
- Install [Cytoscape 3.x](http://www.cytoscape.org/).
- Install this app. You can export using Apps manager of Cytoscape.
Apps → App Manager
- File -> Export -> Network *Select the export format* . The app supports directed, undirected networks. You can even include the node names as shown [here](http://apps.cytoscape.org/media/adjexporter/screenshots/AdjExportFormats.png).
- **Example** : Suppose the network has
nodes A, B, C &
directed edges A->B, B->C.
Output file with nodes for *directed networks* will be something like this.
C 0 -1 0
B 1 0 -1
A 0 1 0
**Disclaimer for *directed networks* :**
If you **don't** want to have -1's as per your convention. You can do a text search of "-1" using a text editor and replace by "0". Please go through these examples ([1](http://apps.cytoscape.org/media/adjexporter/screenshots/Example1.PNG), [2](http://apps.cytoscape.org/media/adjexporter/screenshots/Example2.PNG) and [3](http://apps.cytoscape.org/media/adjexporter/screenshots/Example3.PNG)) for the conventions used.
- Feel free to tell us about any bug you find or an issue you face while using our app!
Want to submit an issue or bug or feature request ?
[Click here](https://github.com/srikanthBezawada/AdjacencyMatrixExporter/issues)
- Want to make Cytoscape read adjacency matrix files ? Try [this app](http://apps.cytoscape.org/apps/amatreader)
###Release notes for Adj Exporter 1.4 (Latest Version)
Fixes [this bug](https://github.com/srikanthBezawada/AdjacencyMatrixExporter/issues/3) for directed networks
###Release notes for Adj Exporter 1.3
App now supports directed networks. Thanks [Mariano Pablo Oranges for the feature request](https://github.com/srikanthBezawada/AdjacencyMatrixExporter/issues/1).
###Release notes for Adj Exporter 1.1
Two export formats are available now as shown in screenshots
1) AdjExporter with node names 2) AdjExporter without node names
###Release notes for Adj Exporter 1.0
Currently the app considers input networks as undirected and unweighted (i.e) adjacency matrix exported is a symmetric matrix with 1's, 0's