All Classes

Creates a new menu item under Apps menu section.
Applies CustomLayout to the given CyNetworkView with specific Tunable parameters.
Creates a new menu item under Apps menu section.
listener for the disease color button which calls the function to color nodes according to their disease classes and puts a legend into the results panel if it is not already there
This class provides utility methods for creating and managing color tables in Cytoscape networks.
This class manages the addition and removal of custom chart factories in Cytoscape.
The DISGENET Cytoscape App is designed to visualize, query, and analyze a network representation of DISGENET data.
The DISGENET Cytoscape App is designed to visualize, query, and analyze a network representation of DISGENET data.
simple function to map the color codes to the corresponding colours and names
Class that loads all the data for the table networks.
Class to manage all the parameters relative to the diseases attributes of the cytoscape table.
Class to manage all the parameters relative to the gene attributes of the cytoscape table.
Class to manage all the parameters relative to the gene attributes of the cytoscape table.
The DISGENET Cytoscape App is designed to visualize, query, and analyze a network representation of DISGENET data.
The DISGENET Cytoscape App is designed to visualize, query, and analyze a network representation of DISGENET data.
Task class to create a new network with the selected nodes from a previous task.
The DISGENET Cytoscape App is designed to visualize, query, and analyze a network representation of DISGENET data.
The DISGENET Cytoscape App is designed to visualize, query, and analyze a network representation of DISGENET data.
The DISGENET Cytoscape App is designed to visualize, query, and analyze a network representation of DISGENET data.
This class generates the main gui panel with the options and buttons that call the functions to create networks, colour nodes,...
Creates a new menu item under Apps menu section.
Class to handle the clicking of the create network Button
part of event handler class to allow updating the progress bar from different task
part of event handler class to allow updating the progress bar from different task
part of event handler class to allow updating the progress bar from different task
The DISGENET Cytoscape App is designed to visualize, query, and analyze a network representation of DISGENET data.
Class that handles the display of gene nodes in networks containing variants.
Creates a new menu item under Apps menu section.
Creates a new menu item under Apps menu section.