IntAct App

Build molecular interaction networks from IntAct database. Access all details in one click.
IntAct App allows the creation of Molecular Interaction networks within Cytoscape, where nodes represent molecules and edges represent evidence of interactions between those molecules. IntAct App provides 2 ways for building these networks: - Fuzzy Search: get big sets of molecules, e.g. Kinase, "Cell cycle", etc. - Exact Query: get small and precise sets of molecules, e.g. brca1, tp53, etc. To use them, put some terms that describe molecules you are interested in, such as their gene name or their identifier, inside the Network panel. You will then need to precise which of the term-matching molecules you want to have in your network. The resulting network will have 3 view modes available: - Summary: All evidence edges between 2 molecules are summarized into a single edge coloured by its MI Score - Evidence: All evidence edges are visible, and their colour matches the type of interaction found. - Mutation: Same as evidence except that it highlights evidence that involves a mutation. You can customize the default IntAct styles. You can also get details about molecules and interaction evidence by clicking on them. In addition, you can filter your network according to these details. You can provide feedback for Intact App on [IntAct Help Desk]( )


Works with Cytoscape 3.8

Release Notes

Official release: - More stable and powerful server usage


Works with Cytoscape 3.8

Release Notes

- Commands - intact export ==> intact extract - intact query: new parameter 'applyLayout'


Works with Cytoscape 3.8

Release Notes

- Web services URL updated


Works with Cytoscape 3.8

Release Notes

##Bug fix - Extract network for analysis --> Support non-intact columns in networks + MCODE cluster making - Sync of query options to the actual state of options


Works with Cytoscape 3.8


Works with Cytoscape 3.8


Works with Cytoscape 3.8


Works with Cytoscape 3.8


Version 1.0.0

Released 5 Jul 2021

Works with Cytoscape 3.8

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