*cymirCNV* is a Cytoscape plug-in designed for constructing and visualizing miRNA-gene correlation networks from expression data. It supports **Pearson and Spearman** correlation analysis, allowing users to explore regulatory interactions with customizable thresholds. Ideal for researchers studying miRNA-mediated gene regulation, *cymirCNV* streamlines data preprocessing, correlation computation, and network visualization within Cytoscape.
- The tutorial to use this application is given in the [`cymirCNV github`](https://github.com/optimalboar576/cymirCNV) repository.
- The example files can be found here--
- [miRNA expression file](https://github.com/optimalboar576/cymirCNV/blob/main/example_data/miRNA.csv)
- [mRNA expression file](https://github.com/optimalboar576/cymirCNV/blob/main/example_data/mRNA.csv)