Uses of Class

Uses of CyniCategory in org.cytoscape.cyni

Methods in org.cytoscape.cyni that return CyniCategory
 CyniCategory CyCyniAlgorithm.getCategory()
          A method to get the category of the algorithm
 CyniCategory AbstractCyniAlgorithm.getCategory()
          Returns the category of the Cyni Algorithm.
static CyniCategory CyniCategory.valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static CyniCategory[] CyniCategory.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Methods in org.cytoscape.cyni with parameters of type CyniCategory
 List<String> CyCyniAlgorithmManager.getAllCyniAlgorithmNames(CyniCategory category)
          Returns the list of names of cyni algorithms for a specified category.
 Collection<CyCyniAlgorithm> CyCyniAlgorithmManager.getAllCyniAlgorithms(CyniCategory category)
          Returns a collection of all available Cyni algorithms for the specified category.
 CyCyniAlgorithm CyCyniAlgorithmManager.getCyniAlgorithm(String name, CyniCategory category)
          Returns a Cyni algorithm of the specified name and category.

Constructors in org.cytoscape.cyni with parameters of type CyniCategory
AbstractCyniAlgorithm(String computerName, String humanName, boolean supportsSelectedOnly, CyniCategory category)
          The Constructor.

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